Monday, 25 April 2016

Time for the political will to end discrimination against Iranian Canadian community- Open up Consulate office in Tehran and Ottawa

Iranian Canadian Coalition for peace -ICCP

 April 25- 2016

Time for the political will  to end discrimination against Iranian Canadian community

Dear Prime Minister Trudeau:

As you are aware the Canadian Iranian Community supported your candidacy for prime minister as well as Maijid Jowhari’s and Ali Ehsassi’s positions in Parliament.   It has been six months since you assumed your role as Prime Minister, and the Canadian Iranian Community now demands that you adhere to the promises you made during your election campaign. 

Specifically, during your campaign you promised to normalize the relationship with Iran..  As you are aware the closure of the consulates has created a great burden for Canadian Iranians who reside in Canada, as well as Iranians who would like to visit their relatives or immigrate to Canada.

These policies are discriminatory in nature as they single out Iran when failing to apply to Saudia Arabia and other Middle Eastern Countries which have a notorious track record for violating human rights.

At this time the Canadian Iranian Community sees no difference between the prior conservative government and the liberal government as there has been no shift in your policies towards the Iranian Community, in spite of it providing you with full and sincere support during your election campaign.  We hope that we are wrong, and that you honor your promises by addressing the concerns of the Canadian Iranian Community immediately.  Not only do these concerns impact Canadian Iranians, but your policies go against the liberal values of Canada as a whole.

Yours truly,

Canadian Iranian Coalition for Peace

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