Hostile and undiplomatic action by Harper Government against
Iranians is not acceptable

The Harper Government does not have access to the grassroots
Iranian community in Canada, nor in Iran. Therefore, it has no idea what is
really going on in Iran and in the Middle East, for that matter.
Harper Government advisers are NOT
capable of correctly analyzing Iran, its politics, and its people, partly because
the Government sources are only a few Iranians who generally do know enough Persian
to have access to the news and other sources of information. mostly they have
not been in Iran.
However, the election results are
a big loss for Harper Government’s foreign policy. Also, the fake opposition created
by Neo-conservatives of Canada faced a big defeat, too.
The fake opposition will lose their shaky coalition who falsely claims to
be voice of the Iranian community in Canada. That’s a false claim because they
are interested in seeking power, and not the community at large.
I hope the fake opposition centred
around Reza Moridi , who does not
represent the Iranian community’s interests by his actions, including his
support for the sanctions”) to learn from the events starts trying to defend the
rights and interests of the community not the Neo-conservative who are
endangering Canada’s reputation among nations as a broker for peace. Jean
Chretien, the former Prime Minister of Canada, stated on Jan 14, 2013 in Ottawa
during the Liberal convention, that wherever he went, other nations would ask
him what happened to Canada.
The Hostile stance toward Iranian
people will not help the Iranian community to improve democracy and human
rights in Iran.
Iranians have the ability to
decide their political future. The Harper Government, Jason Kenny ( Immigration
Minister, Peter Mckay, Defence Minister, and John Baird, Foreign minister, have lost yet another opportunity to show
goodwill and friendship toward the Iranian community and Iranian people, by not
acknowledging Iranian’s celebrations for a hopeful future.

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